This component will hold additional links and an email capture form.

Location: src/components/Footer.svelte



Email Capture


Go to Supabase

Head over to Supabase and navigate to your project’s dashboard.


Create email_list table

Using the SQL Editor, create a table using the following SQL code:

SQL Editor
create table
    public.email_list (
        created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now(),
        email text not null,
        id uuid not null default gen_random_uuid (),
        constraint email_list_pkey primary key (id)
    ) tablespace pg_default;

alter table public.blogs enable row level security;

Create RLS policy

Add a new RLS policy that enables insert access to the public (all users). RLS-email_list

There are two link sets that you can edit:

<script lang="ts>
    const linksOne = [
            { name: 'Link One', href: '#linkOne', scroll: true },
        const linksTwo = [
            { name: 'Link One', href: '/link-one', scroll: false },
If scroll: true the link will scroll to the DOM element with the id that corresponds to the listed href. Otherwise the page will navigate to the link.