UI Library

The styling on sveltepack is from Skeleton UI which uses Tailwind CSS under the hood. Skeleton provides themes, components, animations, utilities, and design tokens to quickly build a good looking web app!


Provided by Lucide.

Custom Theme

You can generate your own themes using Skeleton UI’s theme generator.

You can copy your generated theme to a new .ts file in the src/ folder of your app and add your theme to the tailwind.config.ts. Assuming your theme file is custom_theme.ts:

import { custom_theme } from './src/custom_theme'

export default {
    plugins: [
            themes: {
                preset: [
                custom: [
					custom_theme // ADD YOUR THEME HERE

Assuming you have also named your theme “custom_theme”, you can use it by referencing it in the the data-theme property of the body in your app.html file:

<body data-sveltekit-preload-data="hover" data-theme="custom_theme">
    <div style="display: contents" class="h-full overflow-hidden">%sveltekit.body%</div>